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Garden Gate Read-A-Thon (2024-25)

Each year the students at Garden Gate have the option to participate in the Read-A-Thon program. It encourages our students to develop long lasting reading habits.

This year's Read-A-Thon will begin on October 1 and end on April 25, 2024. The purpose of this program is to encourage long lasting reading habits in students. Parents can help by ensuring that their children have access to a wide variety of books.

At the end of the month after the students’ online reading logs are tallied, points will be added to their houses. The house with the most readers will receive 300 points, the 2nd place house will get 250 points, the 3rd place house will get 200 points and the 4th place house will get 150 points.

A large chart designed has been put up in the Library which will be updated every month, so that students, teachers and parents can keep track of house progress.

Read-A-Thon Goals:

TK-K- 2 Grade Students: Students at this level are encouraged to read 10 books per month to be considered a participant in this program. If your child is reading chapter books, 20 pages will be considered as one book. For example, one chapter book with 260 pages will be counted as 13 books.

3- 5 Grade Students : Grade Students at this level are encouraged to read 300 pages per month to be considered a participant in this program.

Parents and students in grades TK-5 will submit their reading logs online, by clicking on their room number, following the link below:

        TK             Kindergarten         1st Grade         2nd Grade         3rd Grade         4th Grade         5th Grade    
ROOM 2 ROOM 1 ROOM 8 ROOM 3 ROOM 25     ROOM 7     ROOM 13


ROOM 22 ROOM 4 ROOM 26     ROOM10     ROOM 14
Room 5 ROOM 17 ROOM 28 ROOM 6 ROOM 27     ROOM15     ROOM 11
  ROOM 5 ROOM 5 ROOM 9 ROOM 23     ROOM 11  
      ROOM 23 ROOM 11    


If you have any questions about the Read-A-Thon program, please contact Mrudula Gokhale, Librarian at 252-5414, ext 69150.