Welcome to Garden Gate!
Garden Gate School Handbook
- Attendance & Absence Reporting
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Curriculum
- Discipline
- Dress Standards
- Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures
- GATOR ESSENTIALS- School Wide Expectations
- Homework
- Lost and Found
- Lunch Program
- Medication
- Special Education
- Spirit Days
- Visitors on Campus
- Volunteering
Attendance & Absence Reporting
Attendance Phone Line: (408) 252-5414 (24 hours)
Absence Reporting Form
Daily attendance is highly related to the academic success and progress of students. It is very important that children are here at school on time every day except when that are sick. Please try not to schedule doctor and dentist appointments during school time. Schedule vacations and trips during school breaks.
See all CUSD Attendance Policies and Procedures by clicking here.
When a child is absent or late for any reason, parents are asked to report the absence online using the Absence Reporting form. You can also call the attendance hotline. (408) 252-5414. Please report the absence each day. This Parent Square Form is also linked when you log-into Parent Square.
If your child is late because of a doctor or dental appointment, YOU MUST BRING A NOTE FROM THE DOCTOR OR DENTIST OFFICE. If a note is not brought in, the delay/tardy will be unexcused.
Delays and Tardies: If your child is not in class at the 8:00 bell, he/she must come to the office to get a Late Slip. A delay is 1-29 minutes late, a tardy is 30+ minutes late and 3 or more tardies may be considered truant.
Early Pick-up: Please email your teacher ahead of time so that the student will be packed and ready to go. Come to the office to sign-out your student.
Late Drop-off: If your child has a doctor appointment or might be late for school, make sure to complete the Absence Reporting form or leave a message on the absence line. For doctor office visits, bring a note from the doctor to excuse the delay/tardy
Extended School Absences (Travel, Religious Event, Government Appointment, etc)
If your child will be absent due to a religious event, medical appointment or Government appointment please submit a Parent Report of Absence to the school 24 hours in advance along with supporting documentation where applicable.
We are required by law to monitor student absences and tardies. When a student has 3 or more unexcused absences or tardies, parents will be notified by letter of the legal attendance requirements. Continued absences or tardies may result in being asked to appear before the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Arrival and Dismissal
Children are not to arrive to school BEFORE 8:00 a.m. There is no supervision until this time. Students are to wait outside their classroom quietly between 8:00am and 8:10am..
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds unless signed out from the office by the parent or legal guardian. If a parent cannot pick up a child, a person the parent has listed on the health/emergency card may do so with verbal or written permission from the parent or guardian to the school office.
After dismissal, there is supervision for 15 minutes at the loading zone. Children who are not picked up in that time frame will be asked to sit inside the office until parents can be contacted.
Parents who pick up primary students are asked to wait in front of the school. This keeps classroom areas quiet until the end of the day. Those parents who wait for older children must wait behind the yellow lines that surround the campus, and keep the younger children with them. Running and playing during this time creates problems for older children who are still in class. Children are not allowed on the playground during this time.
Primary students are not to wait for older brothers or sisters unsupervised. Any student who is not picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal must wait in the office and their parents will be contacted.
Parents will be notified with a letter when we notice that your child is not being picked up promptly. After the third letter is received, you will be contacted to meet with the principal.
After school supervision is provided through Catalyst Kids on the Garden Gate campus. You can reach them at Phone: (408) 725-0269 or Email: center50548@catalystkids.org
Always remember to report changes of your address, telephone number, place of work, work phone numbers, etc to the school office and update ParentVue. Let the school know if you have changed those authorized to pick up your child. Children cannot be released to anyone without parental permission. Permission is given in person, in writing, or on the telephone. Please keep this information current by updating ParentVue as soon as possible with any changes. Change of address must be done through the Student Assignment office, see HERE for details.
Students may possess cell phones under specific conditions. Cell phones must be turned off during the school day, including recess and lunch (prohibition on ringing or vibrating) and must be kept in the student’s backpack at all times. Failure to abide by this policy may result in the cell phone being confiscated and the loss of cell phone possession privileges at the discretion of the site administrator. Students are allowed to wear smartwatches and other activity trackers. However, they are not to be used to make calls, text or access social media. If they become a distraction to the learning environment, they may be asked to be removed. Please note, if students bring these personal items to school, they do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for loss or damage.
All classroom teachers have developed guidelines and practices agreed upon by the students and teachers. Procedures are shared with students the first week of school. Guidelines and procedures are posted in the classroom. Parents are given a copy of all classroom rules and procedures during Back to School night in August.
Bi-Weekly communication from the school via ParentSquare will provide parents with updates on school programs, special events, and other newsworthy items. This will come to you as an email. Please be sure to read this message and check ParentSquare periodically for updates from the school site and district office. You can also check the school website, https://gardengate.cusdk8.org/. Students will also bring home a Thursday folder with information from school, PTA, and your child’s teacher. Please plan to spend some time each week reviewing the contents of the folder. Your interest will help your child know you care about what is happening at school and in their classroom.
Since 2010, 45 states have adopted the same standards for English and Mathematics. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Having the same standards ensures that all students have access to an outstanding and consistent education. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the CCSS to prepare students for success in college and the workplace. If you would like to read more about these standards, please go to the state website: http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/
Students identified as English Language Learners (ELL) will receive 30 minutes of designated daily instruction within their classroom or grade level to develop English skills necessary to access content area classes and develop fluency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. During Designated ELD, students will engage in a variety of academic collaborative interactions (paired, small group and whole group) about content and complex text, develop vocabulary and various grammatical structures from complex texts and tasks and learn to use language skillfully when writing different text types in different content areas.
Student progress is monitored throughout the year, using ELPAC/ALPI/Alternate ELPAC, CAASPP/CAA and district benchmark assessments. Monitoring begins in late August. Newly registered EL students are identified based on initial ELPAC results. Returning EL students are identified based on their summative ELPAC data taken in the Spring. For more information on ELD, please visit the District website.
Dress Standards
Students are asked to attend school dressed in a manner which is clean, safe for themselves and others, and that doesn't detract from the learning environment. Hats may be worn outside only. Shoes must be worn at all times. Children should wear shoes that are appropriate for physical activities. Short shorts or dresses exposing most of the thigh, bare midriffs, see through clothing, obscene language, or reference to drugs, tobacco products and/or alcohol are not permitted. If a student wears a prohibited clothing item, they must be covered up and/or parents may be called to bring a change of clothing to school.
Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures
Please visit our Drop-off/Pick-up Rules Map here.
To help the flow of traffic, our parking lot is closed to parent parking during drop-off time. If you need to walk your student onto campus please park off campus. Thank you for helping us make traffic go more smoothly in the morning.
Pull all the way forward when driving by car.
Drivers should NOT exit the vehicle when in the Drop-off/Pick-up Lane. Students need to independently get off and in the car during drop-off and pick-up. If your child needs assistance, please park off campus and walk them to the check-in points.
Use the crosswalk or sidewalks to enter campus. You may enter either side of the campus.
Have students exit and enter the car on the sidewalk side and only exit vehicles once they have reached the drop-off zone. We are trying to keep all students safe.
ONLY USE THE MAIN CROSSWALK when crossing our parking lot onto or off campus. We have an adult to help safely cross students and adults. Wait until you are asked to cross. DO NOT CROSS OUTSIDE OF THE CROSSWALK.
For the safety of the students and staff, emergency drills are (e.g. fire, earthquake, critical incident) on a scheduled basis throughout the school year.
Fire Drill – monthly
Earthquake Drill – once a year
Lockdown – Shelter In Place and Run, Hide, Defend
Parent Preparation
Be sure that the student’s health and emergency card (on file in the office) has accurate and current information. Make sure emergency contacts are listed on the card. Inform the people listed that they are authorized to take the student in the event of an emergency.
Parents/guardians need to let their child(ren) know who might be picking them up in the event of an emergency. Parents/guardians need to reassure their child(ren) that they will be cared for until pick up. Children who are prepared experience less fear.
It is encouraged for families to have an emergency plan in place at home. The plan may include designated meeting locations and emergency supplies (including food). All students need to memorize 1 or 2 important phone numbers in which family members or other trusted adults can be reached in the event of an emergency.
If an Emergency Occurs...
Remain calm. The school is probably one of the safest places to be in the event of an emergency. School personnel must remain with all students. Garden Gate follows an emergency protocol, and all staff are trained and prepared to take care of students.
Do not telephone the school. If local phone lines are working, they will be needed for emergency personnel. If the emergency calls for evacuation, no one will be in the buildings.
Walk or bike to Garden Gate. Leave the street free for emergency vehicles.
If the emergency calls for evacuation, Garden Gate’s designated congregation area is the field/grass. Staff are on hand to reunite parent/guardian and child.
If the parent/guardian is delayed and finds the school has been evacuated, look for a notice posted on the Front Office or around the school to find out where the remaining students and staff have been moved to. Garden Gate’s primary location for an off campus evacuation is Cupertino Memorial Park which is 0.7 miles away. If Memorial Park is unavailable, a secondary location for an off campus evacuation is located at Homestead High School which is 1.0 miles away.
GATOR ESSENTIALS- School Wide Expectations
Our students are expected to follow our school expectations at all times. Our Gator Essentials are:
- No matter what the circumstances, always be honest! Even if you have done something wrong, it is best to admit it. People will respect your honesty.
- Always use- Please, Thank You, and Excuse Me in a respectful tone.
- Be a bucket filler- Act with kindness and respect at all times.
- We accept and respect everyone for their differences.
- Walk with urgency and sense of purpose, but don’t run.
Homework expectations may differ for each grade level.
Provide a regular time and a quiet place for your child to do his/her work, be available to help when asked, and review the finished work. If your child has a great deal of difficulty doing the work, let the teacher know by note or phone. Make reading a daily family activity.
Homework During Absences – Requests for homework when a child is absent may be made on the second day of absence. Please leave a voicemail or email request directly with the teacher. Please call in no later than 11:00 a.m. on the day the homework is requested, so that teachers have ample time to prepare materials. Homework may be picked up in the school office after school on the day requested.
Link to District Health Guidelines
Students injured while at school are cared for in the following ways:
An injury may be inspected by the teacher, who may keep the student under observation in the classroom.
For a more serious injury, the student is sent to the office for first aid. The students name is recorded, and the action taken is noted.
The home is routinely notified of a student receiving a blow to the head, whether it appears serious or not. The parent will also be notified and asked to come for the student if he or she exhibits any of the following:
Temperature above or below normal
Nausea or vomiting
Severe headache
Spasm or convulsion
Evidence of a communicable disease
Any severe accident, including a deep cut, possible fracture or dislocation
Any accident requiring immediate medical attention
Complaints from the student of feeling ill when the student was home the day before or felt ill before coming to school
Presence of lice or nits
Bee/insect bite or sting
Any head injury
No student is sent home until the parent is contacted and plans made for transportation. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent.
Children should not come to school with the following:
A severe headache, continuous coughing or sneezing (The student should be able to participate meaningfully in school activities)
A temperature of 100 degrees or higher
If a child has had a fever, he/she should remain home until the temperature is normal (98.6 degrees) without the use of a fever reducer such as Tylenol.
Nausea or vomiting (Please Note: Please stay home if vomiting has occurred 2 or more times in 24 hours. Note: Student may return when vomiting has ended overnight, and child is able to hold down liquids and food.)
Evidence of a communicable disease such as a rash
Swelling or unusual sore throat
If your child is seen by a medical doctor and determined to not be contagious, please submit a doctor’s note that the child “is not contagious and may return to school.”
Illness Verified
Absences due to illness, including a doctor's appointment during the school day, may be considered verified in the following ways:
Physician's verification via note, email, or fax (within 5 days of the absence in order to be marked verified)
Verifying employee's exchange with parent/guardian via a phone conversation, on-site visit, email or written note
A visit to the student's home by a verifying employee or any other investigative method which establishes the fact that the student was absent for the reasons stated
Students are encouraged to always bring a physician's note when possible if an appointment interferes with any part of a school day.
When a student has had seven absences or tardies (late arrival of 30 minutes or more) for illness, which were not verified in the ways listed above, further absences or tardies for illness may require verification by a physician or qualified medical personnel (see number 1). Failure to provide verification may result in unexcused subsequent absences.
Lost and Found
All articles found on the school grounds are in the Lost and Found located at the end of the first Hallway by Room 3. Name tags in clothing and lunch boxes help the staff return lost articles. Lost valuables, such as keys, money, watches, etc. are kept in the school office. All articles left at the end of each trimester will be donated to charity.
Lunch Program
During this school year, school breakfast and lunch will be free for all students. You can look at the menu ahead of time on the CUSD Student Nutrition website: https://cusdk8nutrition.com/. Each day, a vegetarian option will be offered. Teachers will take a breakfast and lunch count in the morning- please make sure your child knows whether to order breakfast and lunch. Students may also bring a snack or lunch from home.
If your child does not have a lunch, we will NOT call home. Your child will be asked to get a school lunch.
PLEASE DO NOT PACK SNACKS IN GLASS CONTAINERS. When these are dropped, they break easily and cause a safety Hazard.
Due to food allergies that many students at Garden Gate School experience, students are not allowed to share food of any kind.
In order for any medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter, short-term or long-term, to be administered at school, a Medication Authorization Form must be completed and signed by a parent and a physician. These forms are available in the school office and online. Until the school has a signed form, medication will not be administered. Self administration forms include medication for inhalers, epi-pens, or diabetic medication.
School personnel may not administer medication unless a physician has given approval. If your student needs medication while at school, follow instructions HERE.
Students should not bring personal possessions to school; they may be damaged, lost or stolen. The school is not responsible for students’ personal possessions. Examples: electronic games, iPods, Pokemon cards and jewelry. Students should not bring balls, jump ropes or PE equipment. Students may borrow and share this equipment from their classrooms.
You can see all messages sent to families by our district and school by visiting Parent Square. Parent Square is the main method of communication for our school and district. Using Parent Square you can read school messages via email, the app, or by text. Once you accept the Parent Square invitation, you can also change your notification and language preferences (there are many languages that Parent Square will translate to!). If you download the app you can easily see all messages sent in one place. You can find more helpful information below:
- ParentSquare Parent Videos
- Padres - Introducción a ParentSquare
- FAQ (English | Spanish)
- How to log in and set notification and language preferences (English | Spanish)
- You can use ParentSquare on any device. You can download the free mobile app for Android or iOS and/or access it from a computer on the ParentSquare website.
Report cards are issued three times a year at the end of each trimester. A conference is scheduled with each parent 6-8 weeks after the start of school to set goals for the student. Conferences will be held in October this year. Please contact your student’s teacher if a conference is needed at any time during the school year. If you think there may be a problem, or you have some information that may help the teacher to be more effective in working with your student, please let the teacher know immediately. Teachers are not available for conferences or phone calls during class hours.
Special Education
If you feel that your child is exhibiting major learning or other problems, contact your child’s teacher to set up a meeting to discuss concerns. The District provides a wide range of programs for students with challenging conditions. The resource specialist and school psychologist are trained in the diagnosis and prescription of learning problems and coordinates the special education programs within the school. The speech and language program is designed to meet the needs of students diagnosed as having speech and language difficulties. The speech therapist conducts small group classes for designated students. The psychologist is assigned to Garden Gate School to assess students for learning problems that may interfere with their ability to learn. The psychologist assists in developing the Individual Educational Plan (IEP) for students. School counselors are also on site to provide individual and group counseling to students as needed.
Spirit Days
Visitors on Campus
Education Code Section 32210 states that all visitors, including parents, volunteers and district employees, must sign in at the office when school is in session. This policy is to ensure safety and order on campus and to minimize disruption to classroom instruction. Each visitor must wear a badge at all times during the visit.
Parents can volunteer their time to help our students in many ways. They can: assist the teachers in the classroom, photocopy, be lunchtime yard supervisors, serve as art helpers, chaperone field trips, compile book orders, help with reading groups, etc. If you would like to volunteer, please contact your child’s teacher or the PTA, as appropriate. The more volunteers we have, the better we are able to serve our students.
Visit https://www.cusdk8.org/volunteering to see all forms online.
To volunteer in CUSD, all persons must verify proof of:
Signed CUSD volunteer form/agreement
TB clearance
Fingerprinting clearance