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Principal Message

Welcome Message From the Principal

Norma Salas - Principal


Welcome to the new school year at Garden Gate! 

We are so excited to have you at Garden Gate, the home of the Gators. This is my fourth year at Garden Gate. I have been in CUSD for over 20 years as a teacher and administrator at both the elementary and middle school level. My passion is with the students and seeing them succeed. 

Garden Gate is an amazing place to be. Our teachers are fantastic and work hard to make their students feel a part of their classroom family. At Garden Gate, each of our students and staff join a different House: Reveur, Amistad, Altruismo or Isibindi. Each house works together throughout the year to earn points and participate in activities. Although each student belongs to one house, as a school community, we pride ourselves on being "Four Houses, One Family." 

We can't wait to meet you! I look forward to working together to make this a successful year.